Seven Principles to Soar Higher
In leadership, much can be learned by observing the characteristics of an eagle. These majestic birds demonstrate key traits that can inspire us to elevate our leadership. Here are seven powerful principles we can adopt from eagles:
Eagles Fly Alone at High Altitudes
Eagles don’t fly with sparrows, ravens, or other small birds. They soar alone or with other eagles.
Lesson: Surround yourself with positive, forward-thinking individuals. Avoid those who limit your potential.
Eagles Have Sharp Vision
Eagles can focus on prey from as far as 5 kilometers away. Despite obstacles, they maintain their focus until they achieve their goal.
Lesson: Keep your vision clear and unwavering. Stay focused on your objectives no matter the challenges.
Eagles Do Not Eat Dead Things
Eagles only feed on fresh prey, never relying on past meals.
Lesson: Don’t rest on past successes. Always look forward and seek new challenges and opportunities for growth.
Eagles Thrive in the Storm
When storms gather, eagles leverage the winds to soar higher, while other birds seek shelter.
Lesson: Embrace challenges and use them to propel yourself to new heights. Challenges strengthen and elevate achievers.
Eagles Test Commitment
Before mating, a female eagle tests the male’s dedication by having him repeatedly catch a twig in mid-air. Only when the male proves his commitment does she allow the partnership.
Lesson: In leadership and life, evaluate the commitment of potential partners before forming alliances.
Eagles Prepare Their Young for Growth
Eagles make their nests increasingly uncomfortable for their young, forcing them to leave and learn to fly.
Lesson: Growth happens outside your comfort zone. Push yourself and others to step into the unfamiliar to develop and succeed.
Eagles Undergo Renewal
As they age, eagles retreat to the mountains to shed old feathers, beaks, and claws. Through this painful process, they emerge rejuvenated and stronger than before.
Lesson: Periodically let go of habits, relationships, or processes that no longer serve you. Renewal is necessary for continued success.
To lead like an eagle is to rise above challenges, maintain focus, seek growth, and be unafraid of change. Embrace the eagle’s spirit—never give up, soar higher, and inspire others to do the same.